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The Manager's Pocket Guide to Emotional Intelligence

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

The Manager's Pocket Guide to Emotional Intelligence -- From Management to Leadership by Emily A Sterrett, Ph.D.

From the Foreward...

"A number of books have been written in the last few years about Emotional Intelligence, or EQ — the characteristics other than “brainpower” that successful leaders possess. Many of these books are quite good and well worth reading but are written for researchers, or professionals such as social workers or counselors for use in therapy. Few offer practical suggestions as to how we can develop or expand our own EQ and that of those who work for us. The average manager needs an introduction to this important concept without having to wade through information that might not be directly relevant to his or her organization and its specific challenges.
This book is written to introduce managers to the concept of Emotional Intelligence — managers who are young or not-so-young, experienced or novice, supervisors or CEOs. Emotional Intelligence refers to the intelligence that all successful people bring to their jobs that does not come under the category of “book smarts” or ability to reason. It is a large part of what makes people successful in leadership positions and in all of life.
Emotional Intelligence or EQ is not a simple repackaging of the “soft skills” we so often hear about in business. It is based on research. Good managers have known for years that communicating effectively, treating people well, and modeling appropriate behavior themselves makes good business sense. Now we have the proof: research linking emotions and social skills on one hand and facts and figures on the other."

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